Over the seven years that Israel Inspiration Foundation (IIF) has worked in Bugweri, in Eastern Uganda, we have come to the realization that it serves little purpose to send a child to school when they are returning home to face poverty daily.

Without the experience of watching as their parents earn a decent living, this child may also grow up with a sense of despair and an attitude of dependency on hand outs.

To this end, we embarked on extending help that gives families sustainable economic empowerment for the future.

As funds allow, we provide families with livestock to take care of and earn a living from. We have provided goats and cattle from which families can obtain milk for their homes and for selling as well, to earn some income. As the animals reproduce, they can sell off an animal to get income when their funds run low. In the future, we hope to give an even wider range of animals.

We provide seeds for planting, and where skilled volunteers are available, provide training in better farming methods.

This also helps children to get first hand experience in running a commercial agriculture venture. As they witness their families working to improve their livelihoods, it brings hope for their own futures.