Israel Inspiration Foundation is a ministry outreach committed to reaching vulnerable communities with the love of God, particularly in the Eastern part of the country.
We are a grassroots based ministry working directly with the families in the community of Bugweri sub-region. We have access to these families through the already established church. The area has over 2,000 families, many of which are living in abject poverty.
Vision Statement:
Individuals and communities living in the abundant life they are entitled to, inspiring them to overcome the barriers placed on them by poverty, culture and history.
Mission Statement:
Meeting the educational needs of the children and engaging their families in economic activity.
Our Story
Our story begins with the story of ten year old Anthony.
In 2010, the founder of IIF met Anthony who had just lost his father. A peasant farmer in this region, Anthony’s father contracted tetanus after he cut himself while out in the garden. Due to lack of proper medical care, he unfortunately succumbed to the disease, leaving behind his pregnant wife and five other children. Anthony is the second born.
At the age of 10, Anthony resorted to working in people’s farms in order to raise his education fees. His needs were not only lack of education but also food for his family.
We took him on and started supporting 100% of his education needs. When IIF was started, in 2014, he became our first sponsored child.
Anthony is 17 today and heads his family, his mother having moved to another town to look for work. He earns a living through a chapati stand from which he makes about $10 in profits, every week. He uses these funds to buy food for his siblings.